目前分類:未分類資料夾 (7)
- Jul 19 Sun 2020 22:43
陽明山豪邸「陽明帝景」 陽明山2900坪大基地,菁山路 53-67坪,養生豪宅,3房2廳2衛~請洽0909-826-072高慧雯
- Jan 14 Tue 2020 11:09
陽明山豪宅「陽明帝景」~ 菁山路 2900坪大基地,53~67坪 ~請洽 0909-826-072 高慧雯
- Oct 09 Mon 2017 17:42
- Sep 25 Mon 2017 15:50
陽明山豪宅~統領「御陽明」士林區格致路~看屋請洽 0909-826-072高慧雯~95坪、143坪全新豪宅
- Jan 16 Mon 2017 11:39
新店禾豐特區「掬月」全新電梯景觀別墅,頂級三層獨棟電梯別墅,請洽 0909-826-072高慧雯
- Mar 17 Tue 2009 20:33
Brief of Master Commercial Taipei, the expert on real estate market
Founded in 1995, Master Real Estate started from a remote, suburban Xin-Yi district that has since prospered and expanded to one of the most prestigious areas in Taipei City . We tacked in on this growth and targeted specific neighborhoods, focused on properties of special niches and high potentials. Today, Master Real Estate has become an award-winning, pre-eminent leader with ten principal offices throughout larger Taipei City district that is home to over 250 experienced and elite agents. In response to the clients’ increasing multi-market needs, we established Master Commercial in 2004 to provide a complete range of commercial real estate full services. Our Master Commercial has collaborated with world class corporations such as Mckinsey, AIG, Mercedes, Merck, Heidelberg Taiwan , Bacardi Taiwan, Korean Mission in Taiwan, Morgan Stanley, Louis Vuitton, Dell Inc., Australian Education Center, British Trade and cultural office for customized business relocations and related real estate services. Master Real Estate will continue to strive for excellence and provide superior service for our clients with unparalleled integrity, powerful resources and relentless pursuit for perfection.
- Mar 17 Tue 2009 20:12
Taipei Rental. Leasing
Taipei Office Leasing, Taipei Office for Lease, Taipei Office Rental, Hi-end Office, Taipei House Leasing, Taipei House Rental, Taipei Residential Rental, Taipei House for Lease, Hi-end House
Our service covers the most important districts in Taipei,such as:
- 信義區 Xinyi District : 台北101 Taipei 101, 國貿大樓 TWTC International Trade Building (TWTC ITB), 國泰金控大樓 Cathay Finance Center, 世紀金融廣場Century Plaza, 信義經貿大樓Xin-yi Trading Center, 統一國際大樓 President International Building, etc.
- 松山區 Songshan District